Today, blogger and Computer Security Expert Marcello Pistilli will be at IIS Jean Piaget in Rome to provide tips on safe web navigation to the protagonists of European Project Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A (ISEV).
The appointment with the over-60 students is at 2 pm at the school. Marek Rembowski will coordinate activities for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Marcello Pistilli, a computer security expert and consultant to the Rome Courts of Justice, has been collaborating with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale since 2014. He also worked as social agent for a community of over-65s for Project Acting on active ageing.
Besides providing training to over-65s on issue concerning on-line privacy and security (he was at Binario F in January), Marcello also curates the Blusa Blog (an acronym of User Blog for On-line Safety of Elders in Italian) hosted by