The public vote (March 1-15, 2022) marks the fourth phase of the first edition of the National Award for Digital Skills, an initiative promoted by the Department for Digital Transformation and developed in collaboration with Formez PA.
In the “Vote the Finalists” Section, which is only active in this phase, you will find the profiles of the 22 initiatives in the finals, including Coding Girls in the “Digital Tools Against the Gender Divide” Section.
To vote, go to the Vote the Finalists Section and open the profiles of the 22 initiatives selected by the Jury to read the presentations, watch the videos and VOTE the best! The profiles are public, and you can express your interest by clicking on the VOTE button.
The public vote aims to:
- Identify the winner of the award by providing bonus points to the Jury’s score provided in Phase 2 (see Regulations).
- Proclaim a special mention winner “Most Voted by the Public” to the finalist with the most on-line votes.
To vote you will need to register on the ParteciPa Platform with your SPID.