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Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100

Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100

Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100

Binario F, the physical and virtual Facebook space dedicated to digital skills, has given rise to the first inclusive community for promoting human capital, lifelong learning and shared solutions for sustainable development. Facebook and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale are renewing their collaboration on Programme Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100 based on cooperative networks, hybrid alliances and digital skills to exploit local value and relations. ANCI, the Third Sector Forum, Confcommercio–Young Entrepreneurs and CNA–Young Entrepreneurs have already joined the initiative. Today, the first meeting will be held to reinforce our on-line presence on social media during the health emergency. Also, the calendar of upcoming free appointments with original formats for content and working methods is now on-line.


According to the "Digital Economy and Society Index," Italian enterprises currently place 22nd in Europe (on 28 ranked countries) in terms of their ability to integrate digital technology. Moreover, only 10% of SMES conduct on-line sales and only 15% use cloud-based services. Notwithstanding the acceleration caused by the health emergency and a marked increase in e-commerce (+50%), SMES still lack a strategic vision for digital transformation processes and business models. A recent survey conducted by the Fondazione Italia Sociale also reveals that innovation in the third sector is hampered by a low level of digital skills, the lack of funds and a resistance to opening up to other sectors and different realities.


It is in this context that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Facebook Italia have renewed their collaboration on Programme Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100, which started in 2018 at Binario F, the space at the Rome “Stazione Termini” dedicated to reinforcing digital skills. After having involved over 4000 people in over 150 physical training sessions, the programme is now moving beyond the city of Rome to promote digital transformation models and satisfy the needs of individuals and communities. The project will involve local agencies, institutions, craftsmen and small companies, as well as young men and women and third sector operators in a challenge to help communities to form hybrid alliances and acquire critical tools and strategic skills to pursue transformation and the recovery of the productive and social system after the pandemic, without leaving anyone behind.


The objective of “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100” is to involve 5000 people in 2021 in free events and labs providing a new way to collaborate:

  • LIVE DIGITAL LAB: labs dedicated to SMEs, public administrations and third sector operators to experiment with innovative communications solutions and reinforce their online presence, from the creation of networks to opening up to new markets and target audiences.
  • CHECK TALK: interactive sessions to help students and citizens grow more aware of critical tools to verify information and correctly interpret facts, in collaboration with Pagella Politica and
  • CIVIC CHALLENGES: challenges with local administrations, enterprises, third sector, students and citizens to collaboratively design new social innovation solutions for post-pandemic challenges.
  • VIDEO HELP: simple “how to” tutorials to share.


Can we redesign our on-line presence and overcome the distancing measures enforced due to the pandemic? This issue will be addressed by the first "Live Digital Lab" dedicated to social media marketing. With a practical and operative cut, the work session will help participants to develop a personal communication style, from tone of voice to editorial plan.

Calendar of upcoming events:


“We are proud to continue our precious collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with whom, thanks to the Binario F Community Hub, we will continue to develop projects and courses to drive the digitalisation of SMEs and Italian citizens. These initiatives, which we are currently conducting entirely on-line, are essential for the national recovery drive, as well as transformation,” explains Angelo Mazzetti, Head of Public Policy at Facebook Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus. 


The aim is to create a scalable and replicable inclusive community of phyrtual practice – both physical and virtual – around “Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100” to provide an answer to the crisis and our age’s transformational challenge through the participation of everyone. And, on the web, there must be a special focus on youth and their future, on the most fragile users, all those who have lost their jobs or need to quickly acquire qualifying skills, and elders who are often excluded from full participation in social life.


“These economic challenges are social and cultural, too. The health emergency must become an opportunity for collective reconstruction and changing our working methods. Digital transformation will be key to future development only if we understand how to make it collective and inclusive,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


The following have already joined the programme: ANCIThird Sector ForumConfcommercio – Young Entrepreneurs and CAN – Young Entrepreneurs.


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