What are the scientific bases of educational robotics? What is the real impact of robots on learning at the cognitive, social and affective levels?
For the first time, RomeCup 2018 will host educational labs held by experts from the Scuola superiore S. Anna di Pisa. The labs are the result of research and tests conducted by the School’s Istituto di BioRobotica through Project "Scuole, musei, città della scienza, e imprese: una rete nazionale per promuovere la cultura tecnico-scientifica attraverso l'uso didattico dei robot" (Schools, Museums, City of Science and Enterprise: a National Network to Promote Technical-Scientific culture through the Educational Use of Robots).
The 12th edition of RomeCup will be held in Rome on April 16-18, 2018 at the Università Campus Bio-Medico, while the finals and the awards ceremony will be held at the Rome Campidoglio. We will present further news over the coming weeks for the 2018 edition.
For further information:
Francesca Del Duca, f.delduca@mondodigitale.org
Fiammetta Castagnini, f.castagnini@mondodigitale.org