Last Friday, the Istituto tecnico economico Raffaele Piria in Reggio Calabria, managed by Headmaster Ugo Neri, held the fourth and last appointment of the Pitch Tour involving young women participating in Project Women in Technology, promoted by the Costa Crociere Foundation.
Sixty young women participated in the challenge with Cecilia Lalatta Costerbosa, start-upper and Coach at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, and the help of Project Manager Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Coordinator for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The jury selected three winners and three honourable mentions from the ideas presented by the11 teams [see news: WiT in Reggio Calabria].
1st Place
Team 9: Nicoleta Movilenu, Maria Chiara Pellicanò, Yulia Alampi, Alessia Foti, Renegine Ranario, Monica Borca.
Solar Earing headphones made with recycled materials, phone cables and a cellular solar charger.
2nd Place
Team 4: Ylenia Morabito, Melissa Rosace, Simona Condello
Destination Italy: app to read QR codes in cities and find information on sites of interest.
3rd Place
Team 5: Giovanni Manti, Alice Ligato, Michela Ritorto, Giulia Cristiano, Katia Pezzimenti
Future Suitcase: a suitcase that opens and locks with a fingerprint and has a GPS set to geo-locate it.
Special Mentions
Team 6: Francesca Fontana, Alessia Pennestrì, Katia Pangallo, Marta Sergi
Fakm: a biodegradable sick bag which seals hermetically and emits a pleasant fragrance when a button is pressed.
Team 10: Ernest Wojcik, Alessandra Bilardi, Marta Rappoccio, Antonella Pellicanò, Santo Iracà e Maria Luisa Dascola
Discovering People: an app to develop a travel itinerary.
Team 8: Sara Gioé, Adele Quattrone, Michelle Cotugno, Francesca Cuzzola
Anti-Insect Necklace: a special necklace that can be worn in countries with many insects to keep away.