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Towards the Future with Visa

Towards the Future with Visa

Towards the Future with Visa

The Salone dei pagamenti (November 3-5) is the reference event for innovation applied to finance. This year’s edition is based on a visionary term coined by Dante Alighieri over 700 years ago. Here, the term - Infuturarsi or “venturing into the future” - is employed to describe the evolutionary process of digital transformation.


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is participating in the event for the first time to present a new educational project with Visa. The objective? Venturing into the future with schools.


“Digital Life and New Generations” Area

VISA Workshop

This is Visa: a network for universal connection. Female empowerment begins at school, a new educational project

Nov. 4, 2021, 2:00 pm


Visa presents the evolution of its brand with a special initiative dedicated to young men and women in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Inclusion and reduction of the gender gap at school.


Visa Speakers


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