Three schools will be busy in the digital environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym today, for a total of five classes: the primary school from the Istituto comprensivo Albano Cecchina, and older children from the Sandro Pertini School in Rome and Largo Brodolini in Pomezia.
Two of the three classes from the IC Albano Cecchina primary school will participate in activities for Project BYE: Build Your Experience: the Video Lab with Valentina Gelsomini and the Game Lab with Lara Forgione. The third class will be in the Fab Lab with Coach Mauro del Santo.
Students from IIS Sandro Pertini in Rome will be at work in the Robotics Centre with Coach Emanuele Limiti, while the students from IIS Largo Brodolini (Rome) will work with Coach Luca Frogheri on connections as part of IoT at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.