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Technology Makes You "Differently Aged"


Technology Makes You "Differently Aged"

Technology Makes You "Differently Aged"


The Web Festival witnessed the participation of over 300 tutors from more than 25 schools, accompanied by 40 coordinating teachers and the members of the elderly centres participating in the digital literacy project devised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
There are experts amongst the seniors, too: those who have learned how to benefit from technology to improve their lives thanks to the inter-generational learning methodology.
Yesterday, at the Ara Pacis Auditorium, the organisers of Social Media Week, Marco Montemagno and Marco Antonio Masiero, together with the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Alfonso Molina, publically thanked the Digital Angels for their extraordinary dedication and their first public challenge as “Knowledge Volunteers.”


Alfonso Molina’s presentation:



Marco Antonio Masiero thanks participants:



Marco Montemagno interviews the Digital Angels:




From February 7 to 11, the tutors and the “differently aged” seniors manned 5 Internet stands in downtown Rome: Galleria Sordi, piazza Trilussa, via Piave, via della Scrofa e Stazione Termini.   
Secondary second degree schools: E. Amaldi, J. Piaget, P. Calamandrei, E. Torricelli, Democrito, Pirelli, C. Cattaneo, V. Gassman, Seneca, T. Mamiani, Socrate, Tacito, Anco Marzio,  I. Newton, F. D'Assisi, G. Verne, Plinio Seniore, C. Matteucci, Via Grottaferrata 76, B. Pascal, G. Falcone, Lucrezio Caro, G. Peano, A. Pacinotti, S. Aleramo, E. De Amicis, E. Fermi, G. Marconi di Civitavecchia (RM), Sani-Salvemini di Latina, Midossi di Civita Castellana (VT).
The Elderly Centres: Tenuta di Torrenova-Torvergata, Amici di Testaccio, Val Cannuta, Sabotino, San Quintino, Sandro Pertini, Piazza dei Sicani, Castropretorio Salustiano, Petroselli, T. Frasinelli, Torrenova, Villaggio Olimpico, Granai di Nerva, Villa Lais, Villa Lazzaroni, Associazione Sole Mio, Monte Mario, Balduina, Seprentara, Primo Maggio, Colli Aniene, Miani San Saba.
Grazie a tutti!


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