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Technology for Health

Technology for Health

The 18th National Conference of the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC) will address "Tomorrow’s Health, Today’s Technology."


The conference, which falls on the 25th anniversary of the association, will be held in Rome at the Palazzo dei Congressi, on May 10-12, 2018 [see scientific programme].


Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the first day of the conference (Thursday, May 10) in the session dedicated to innovation with a presentation on the DigiLife Strategy Workout and the Open Innovation Challenge, promoted with Lazio Innova at RomeCup 2018.


In two days, May 16-17, the DigiLife Strategy Workout addressed a wide range of ideas, experiences, objectives and competences. The more than thirty participating organisations worked to create new connections, lay the foundations and propose strategies for future collaborations.


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