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Teaching with Robots

Teaching with Robots

Teaching with Robots

Today was supposed to be the first day of the fourteenth edition of RomeCup 2020, the multi-event dedicated to robotics, artificial intelligence and life sciences. Unfortunately, the health emergency and the containment measures enacted to prevent the diffusion of Covid-19 forced us to move the event to February 2021. And even if we cannot meet this year, we can still share the best robotics stories with our community ...


Today’s appointment is with Paolo Torda (born in 1966) an electronic technician who teaches the subject at the Rome IIS Pacinotti-Archimede . In 1995, with the construction of an explorer robot for a competition organised by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, he kicked off his experience in robotics competitions. Since then it has all been a crescendo. He has involved students and colleagues and participated in events large and small dedicated to educational robotics, including the RomeCup. In 2015, his team of students conquered first place for the second consecutive time at the World Championships in Hefei, China, in the Soccer Light Robocup Junior category. From 2011 to 2015, he acted as national representative for Robocup Junior and in 2016 participated in the Robocup World Championships in Leipzig, Poland as a member of the Organization Committee for the Soccer Junior category ...


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