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From Teachers to Makers

From Teachers to Makers

From Teachers to Makers

With an original “wearable” Physics experiment, the participating teachers describe how they were transformed into makers in just three days thanks to the "School of Physics with Arduino and Smartphone", promoted by the Department of Physics at Sapienza University in Rome with the collaboration of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics.


In this interview with Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation and Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coordinator Giovanni Organtini, Associate Professor of Experimental Physics at Sapienza University in Rome, and three secondary school teachers demo an experiment created with a cheese grater and an Arduino chipset.


The three days of full immersion in the use of modern technology for the execution of Physics experiments [see news: Smartphone Lab] were held on Sept. 6-8 at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab.



Le tre giornate di full immersion nell'uso delle moderne tecnologie per l'esecuzione di esperimenti di fisica [vedi la notizia Smartphone in laboratorio], si sono svolte dal 6 all'8 settembre al fab lab della Palestra dell'Innovazione.

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