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Teach Everyone Everything

Teach Everyone Everything

Teach Everyone Everything

We met with Professor Piera D'Agate in Palermo at the final event of Project Active Ageing and Solidarity Amongst Generations through Learning and Social Innovation.


Prof Piera teaches at the Liceo delle scienze umane in Biancavilla, a municipality with just over 24,000 residents and part of the metropolitan city of Catania. The school is a branch of the Istituto Mario Rapisardi in Paternò, managed by Headmaster Egidio Pagano. Based on the survey conducted by Project, promoted by the Fondazione Agnelli, it is one of the best high schools in Italy.


But what does innovative didactics really mean? How can we provide answers to the new challenges posed by education? Piera D'Agate believes that a good school is one that can “teach everyone everything.”


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