“I believe that today it is even more important than before to explain to students what an IT Architect does. Indeed, IT Architects cover a wide range of roles, from security to artificial intelligence. And this is sometimes reductively referred to as programming, but it is far more.”
“I think young women and men have exactly the same opportunities, and their approach to STEM subjects is very significant, as its logical and methodical. I believe that diversity in all its forms, including gender diversity, is very important as it enriches the final product, the team result. I’d urge young women to pursue their interests and dreams.”
Rita Ceresi, IT Architect at Microsoft, met with young women for the new appointment of the "My Future? It’s Up to Me!" Campaign promoted by Coding Girls. The role modelling event was held on March 30, 2022 at the Istituto superiore Leonardo Da Vinci in Roma [see news: Daily Technology].
Here is a short excerpt from the interview with one of the students:
Born in Bologna, but adopted by Rome, Rita Ceresi attended a classic lyceum and earned a degree in electronic engineering at the “Alma Mater Studiorum” University in Bologna. She began working at IBM in 1990 and last year joined Microsoft. She has had many roles in her professional life: software development, new products for major clients, system administrators... and at Microsoft she works with European clients. Her personal interests include photography, traveling, trekking and archaeology.