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Symbols of the Republic

Symbols of the Republic

Symbols of the Republic

The home page of the Istituto comprensivo di Codogno website still has a picture of the frecce tricolore that flew accross the skies of Lodi on May 25 to honour the victims of Covid-19. However, it still has to update it with the words of President Sergio Mattarella who yesterday chose to visit Codogno for the June 2 celebration as one of today’s symbols of the Italian Republic. The President underlined the moral heritage of Italy and all the “hidden good that must be brought to the surface, that must prevail to positively influence the reconstruction of our society.”


Today, we “want to start again from here, too, with the greatest hope for the future.” Today, that our regions are finally reopening up their borders. We are with the Istituto comprensivo di Codogno to listen to the words of a teacher, Luisa Lenta:


"We were not ready to abandon ship …” the teacher explains, musing on the beginning of the lockdown. And as we listen to her, we realise how much “hidden value” there is in school. We want to make it emerge, as our President encourages us to do. The interview is with Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation and Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


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