The second phase of Project Rising Youth promoted with SAP is based on an acceleration process, which is guided by enterprise mentors, coaches and university tutors who accompany participating students through the process of conceiving and prototyping innovative solutions that will be presented at RomeCup 2022 (April 27-29, 2022).
On Wednesday, February 16, there will be a brainstorming session (4-6 pm) on:
- Design Thinking: design phases with Cecilia Stajano (16.00-16.30)
- Practical examples and case studies: what can be developed with FMD Coaches and the students at the University of Salerno (16.30-17.30)
- Q&A Session: the teams will propose their ideas and ask questions (17.30-18.00).
Here is the team that will accompany high school students up to the RomeCup hackathon:
- Marco Brocchieri, FMD Coach
- Silvia Franceschini, FMD Coach
Students from the University of Salerno, Computer Science Department:
- Umberto Della Monica
- Rachele Capuano
- Martina Mulino
- Mario Farina
- Gerardo Martino
- Antonio Giano
- Alberto Cuomo
The next and final educational session on SAP technology will be held on March 8. The webinar (3-4 pm) will be held by SAP experts Salvatore De Caro, Pietro Olia and Giovanni Conte.
In the digital world, the trust of clients is a key element for the growth of an enterprise. Quantifying client data concerning brand experience (X Data) with operative data (O Data), such as number of purchases per month, purchases per shop/on-line, is fundamental. The session will introduce students to the measurement of X Data and how to compare it with O Data to implement actions meeting or anticipating client needs.
X-O Data Management
March 8, 2022, 3-4 pm
Platform: Zoom
Coaches: Salvatore De Caro, Pietro Olia, Giovanni Conte
The meeting is organised in synergy with Programme Smart & Heart Rome.
Playlist of previous webinars