The pilot experience lasted five weeks and involved 33 young girls and 54 young boys aged 6-13; in particular, 46 were aged 6-10 and 41 11-13. Twelve participants stayed on for a second week for a total of 89 registrations.
The five weeks were based on the following theme:
- Robots
- Olympics
- Mad Scientists
All activities were held in English and took place in the labs at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym where children worked on:
- Fab Lab – making robots, Olympic symbols, spaceships and Pokémons.
- Media Art Lab – making soundtracks for Metropolis, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Godzilla and a video on the Olympics.
- Coding Lab – designing videogames with Scratch, Kodu and Minecraft.
- Robotics Centre - using Lego WeDo and NXT kits to develop and programme robots.
- Immersive Lab – using flight simulators and other immersive tools.
- Video Lab – designing and developing 3D characters.
In the first part of the video, Niccolò and Alessandro, and in the second part, Gabriele and Daniele, model 3D characters that can assume different positions and perform bizzare movements.
Nella prima parte del video ci sono Niccolò e Alessandro, nella seconda Gabriele e Daniele. Stanno modellando in 3d personaggi divertenti che assumono varie posizioni e fanno movimenti bizzarri.