Today, six classes ranging from primary to second-degree secondary school have chosen to attend lesssons in the digital environments of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Here are the activities that our coaches will hold today.
In the Coding Lab, young children from the Istituto comprensivo Falcone e Borsellino will learn to programme with the help of Valentina Gelsomini.
Students from the first-degree secondary Piazza Minucciano School will study as makers in the Fab Lab, learning about digital devices and rapid prototyping with Coach Mauro Del Santo.
How does one develop a videogame? Can one transform a passion into a job? In the Game lab, Coach Lara Forgione will hold a lesson for a year-five class from the Istituto comprensivo Leonori.
In the Robotics Centre, students from the Lombardo Radice School will participate in an original university orientation workshop with humanoid Nao Robots and young researchers from the Sapienza University Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering.
It will be a day of special effects for the young video makers from the Istituto comprensivo Falcone Borsellino who will attend the Video Lab with Coach Paola De Marco.
What’s the relationship between art and technology? How does one become creative? In the Media Art Lab, Valentino Catricalà and Fiammetta Castagnini will guide young artists from the Istituto comprensivo Leonori to the discovery of digital art and the use of creative technology.