Last Saturday, June 23, the “Weekend” Section of the midday news programme, headed by Gennaro Sangiuliano, dedicated a special focus to digital culture and apps produced by students with artificial intelligence applications.
The report by Luca Raimondo was filmed at the Microsoft Innovation Summit at the Milan “Bocconi” University [see news: Inclusive Intelligence]. Selene, Maria, Teresa, Maria Giulia, Carolina, Francesco and Valentina, all aged 15 to 17, are students at dell’IIS Guglielmo Marconi in Civitavecchia (Rome), ISIS Leonardo Da Vinci in Poggiomarino (Naples) and IISS Ettore Majorana in Brindisi, three schools selected from amongst the 37 hubs that are experimenting the Ambizione Italia for Schools programme on artificial intelligence. The students met with incontrato Satya Nadella, CEO of the Microsoft Corporation, and presented the first results of their work.