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The STEAM Pinball

The STEAM Pinball

The STEAM Pinball

Participating in an original course on experimenting with “Tinkering, Making and Coding. Innovative and Custom-tailored Didactic Activities” at Binario F, a group of teachers developed an original pinball machine, one of the most common games found in Italian cafés since the 1950s [see news: ICS Lab at Binario F].


Steam Flipper” is one of the unplugged tinkering labs described in the the “Immaginare, crescere, sviluppare” (Imagine, Grow, Develop) Series developed with Erickson.


The pinball machine assembled with reusable materials demonstrates fascinating physical concepts such as space, time and friction. The objective is to open the road to the study of STEAM subjects, training the mind to scientific thinking, problem solving and creativity.


In the video, Melania, a teacher at the Maglione Primary School at the Istituto Comprensivo Via Maffi in Rome, explains how the pinball machine works.


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