The 51st week of courses organised by the School of Internet for Everyone, the project promoted by TIM as part of the national Programme Operation Digital Risorgimento, kicks off with 15 virtual classes and 650 citizens.
The courses organised with local agencies include one reserved for residents of Crispiano, in the Province of Taranto, and two for residents of Rocella Jonica, part of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria.
Four special courses have been organised in collaboration with the City of Genoa to help residents activate their digital IDs (SPID) and use their digital registers [see news: Services in a File].
Three schools (Mamiani - Rome, Giorgi - Milan and Algarotti - Venice) are participating with 9 classes in "Collaborating with Digital Tools. Special STEM Edition," while two other schools (Elsa Morante - Crispiano and Liceo Vittorino da Feltre – Taranto) are following a special course in collaboration with the local Health Service (ASL) in Taranto to learn how to activate their SPID, Digital Health Register and man help desks to support local elders [see news: Focus on SPID and FSE].