Today Ilaria Graziano, Project Manager, and Rosy D'Elia, School Innovazione Manager, are the Sprar Enea centre to present the Co-Host Project Reception Model.
The occasion is the periodic monitoring visit to the Centro del Servizio centrale del Sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati (Sprar Centre), to evaluate their operation and the projects overall based on various elements (logistical, administrative, educational, etc.).
The FMD introduced Project Co-Host on this recent TGR Lazio news report and an interview with two guests at the Centro Enea and their i-tutors, as well as a photo gallery.
Through Project Co-Host, financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale addresses, once again, the issues of the functional and digital literacy and integration of foreign nationals through the third reception formula.