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At the Sprar Enea Centre

At the Sprar Enea Centre

At the Sprar Enea Centre

Today Ilaria Graziano, Project Manager, and Rosy D'Elia, School Innovazione Manager, are the Sprar Enea centre to present the Co-Host Project Reception Model.


The occasion is the periodic monitoring visit to the Centro del Servizio centrale del Sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati (Sprar Centre), to evaluate their operation and the projects overall based on various elements (logistical, administrative, educational, etc.).


The FMD introduced Project Co-Host on this recent TGR Lazio news report and an interview with two guests at the Centro Enea and their i-tutors, as well as a photo gallery.



Through Project Co-Host, financed by Microsoft Philanthrophies, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale addresses, once again, the issues of the functional and digital literacy and integration of foreign nationals through the third reception formula.

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