Two years ago, the Italian Paralympic Committee was officially recognised as a public agency for disability sports. This year, it will collaborate, for the first time, with RomeCup, the multi-event on robotics, artificial intelligence and life sciences that will be held in Rome on April 2-5, 2019.
President Luca Pancalli, one of the consultants of the Scientific Committee for RomeCup 2019, will participate in the opening day (April 2, “Roma Tre” University) an at the awards ceremony at the Rome Campidoglio (April 5).
Two Paralympic athletes will participate in the Plenary Preview Talk on the first day dedicated to Human Enhancement and moderated by RAI TV sports journalist Elisabetta Caporale. They are Martina Caironi, 100-metre dash and long jump champion, and Monica Contraffatto, also a sprinter, who was a soldier in the Italian “Bersaglieri” before being injured in a peace mission in Afghanistan.
In this telephone interview with Francesca Meini [@Francy_fmd], President Luca Pancalli emphasises how sports can be an efficient “lever for active welfare policy,” if it keeps “human beings at the centre.”
Ascolta "Luca Pancalli, presidente Comitato paralimpico, alla RomeCup 2019" su Spreaker.
The theme of human enhancement will also be addressed in the afternoon talk moderated by RAI journalist Matteo Parlato with:
- Eugenio Guglielmelli, Deputy Rector for Research, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
- Angelo Davalli, Researcher, Coordinator for Technical and Health Education at the INAIL Prostheses Centre
- Silvia Conforto, Professor of Bio-engineering, “Roma Tre” University
- Monia Vadrucci, ENEA Researcher
April 2, 2019 | “Roma Tre” University
Department of Engineering, Conference Hall
TALK 3| Human Enhancement | 3:15 – 4.30 pm