2 min.
The "Nonni SUD Internet" Project, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Auser and Anteas with the support of the “Fondazione con il Sud,” addresses school drop outs and social unease, active ageing, lifelong learning and solidarity amongst generations. The aim: digital literacy for 8000 citizens aged over 60 in six southern Italian regions over the course of two years. The project involves 37 schools and 1500 students with the aim of improving the lives of elders through technology. Project presentation: 13 December 2011, 10 am, at ITIS Monaco in Cosenza.
The objective of the two-year Nonni SUD Internet Plan, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with Auser and Anteas and the support of the Fondazione con il Sud, is to promote the inter-generational learning model of Grandparents on the Internet. Students from various schools, coordinated by technology teachers, will teach the elders to use PCs and surf the web in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily. The project will be presented on December 13, 2011, 10 am, at ITIS A. Monaco in Cosenza with students, teachers, elder participants and the representatives of Auser, Anteas and the participating regions.
- Carlo Borgomeo, President Fondazione con il Sud
- Bruno Calcagni, Deputy President, Anteas Nazionale
- Mario Caligiuri, Cultural Heritage Councillor, Regione Calabria
- Ennio Guzzo, Headmaster, ITIS A. Monaco in Cosenza
- Antonio Levato, President, Auser Calabria
- Pasquale Melissari, Manager, Calabria Lavoro
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale
The model, which has been successfully tested in seven Italian regions (Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont e Umbria) and in four European Countries (Belgium, Ireland, Romania and Spain), arrives in southern Italy with various novelties. These include the new e-Med Manual, written in large characters and dedicated to on-line health, and the open Intergenerational Meetings on cross-media and digital terrestrial TV.
After completing the Master Nonni SUD Internet, even elder volunteers will be able to dedicated themselves to training their elder peers. Moreover, a Recycling Workshop will be set up in each region to restore old offices PCs and donate them to elderly centres. The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the “Special and Innovative Projects” action line.