His grandmother only uses vocal WhatsApp messages a little, but she is getting better at it. In the meantime, even his grandfather is learning how to use a smartphone and wants to learn how to take photographs.
Thanks to the TIM Maestri d’Italia Programme, Tommaso, 8 years old, has been working as a digital agent to help his grandparents to familiarize with technology. Due to the measures implemented for the health emergency, Tommaso also had to attend distance learning courses from Tavernola in the Province of Como [see news: Teachhers and Maestri d'Italia].
Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], School Innovation and Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, talked to Tommaso about the difficulties he encountered during this period, his future projects and his dreams.
Ascolta "La vicinanza digitale di nonni e nipoti" su Spreaker.
Six episodes of Maestri d'Italia held by Teacher Cristina Zambon (in Italian):