The contribution of all project participants is fundamental to define an OpenSpace model. This includes teachers and school administrators, parents and students, as well as the local associations that collaborated on the project actions.
In this phase, it is very important to allow the protagonists to speak and to listen to them. As a partnership, we have decided to move towards the project assembly (Feb. 24) with a series of small discussion groups.
Our local coordinators and coaches have held sessions in four hub schools: ICS Madre Teresa di Calcutta - Milan, IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria, Scuola media Borgese - Palermo and IC Grimaldi Lombardi - Bari.
The meetings, which were held in January, allowed us to address together with students the issues that will be the focus of the assembly, including:
- Promoting Skills: promoting the soft skills acquired by young men and women during the curricular and extracurricular labs.
- Orientation: tools and opportunities that will help the students decide on their future.
Today, we share the first result that has emerged from the debates in a graphic developed by a talented student who participated in the Reggio Calabria session.
Project "OpenSPACE – Active Participation Spaces for the Educational Community" allows selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors (Adolescence Call), is a four-year project to make communities inclusive and responsible for promoting the educational and cultural growth, as well as to empower pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is implemented in suburban areas of Bari, Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria.
OpenSpace – Spazi di Partecipazione Attiva della Comunità Educante, selezionato da Con i Bambini nell’ambito del Fondo per il contrasto della povertà educativa minorile (Bando Adolescenza), è un progetto quadriennale che ha l’obiettivo di rendere le comunità inclusive e responsabili per favorire la crescita formativa, culturale e l’empowerment di pre-adolescenti e adolescenti. L’intervento è realizzato in alcune aree periferiche di Bari, Milano, Palermo e Reggio Calabria.