2 min.
Six southern Italian regions, six school in each region, for a total of 36 participating schools.
The objective of the two-year Nonni SUD Internet Programme promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with Auser and Anteas, and with the support of the Fondazione con il Sud, is to extend the inter-generational learning model designed by Grandparents on the Internet (school children teach elders to use a computer and surf the web) to the southernmost regions of Italy: Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.
The Staff of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is on the road. From tomorrow until October 14th, teacher training workshops will be held in six Italian regions to train the coordinating teachers of the Nonni SUD Internet Project.
Workshop Agenda (Week 1)
• 27 September 2011, 3 pm, ISA piazza Bonaventura Beato, Potenza
• 28 September 2011, 11 am, ISIS F. De Sarlo, Lagonegro, Potenza
• 27 September 2011, 10.30 am, IC 82° D’Acquisto, Napoli
• 29 September 2011, 11 am, LSS Leonardo, Giarre, Catania
• 30 September 2011, 10 am, ITIS E. Majorana, Ragusa
• 30 September 2011, 3 pm, CD Santa Caterina, Cagliari
Starting on October 3rd, further meetings are planned in Calabria and Puglia.
For further information: