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“Share School” Kicks Off

“Share School” Kicks Off

“Share School” Kicks Off

Project Share School is promoted by Olivetti and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the objective of accelerating the transformation of Italian schools. The project, which kicks off today, will create a new area at the Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym with RoboticsMaking and Coding labs to experiment new learning styles and methodologies, as well as organised a coding marathon to design innovative solutions for didactics 4.0 and an original new "Robotics Factory" at RomeCup 2019.


“In an age of rapid change and complex transformations, education is key. For many years, now, we have been introducing new tools and didactic methodologies to Italian schools to keep teachers updated and prepare the new generations for the professions of the future. And we have always carried these activities out with great technological partners, such as Olivetti, to invest in the education of young men and women and drive the growth of Italy,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


“Olivetti has always been interested and ready to support the young generations,” adds, Olivetti CEO Antonio Cirillo. “This initiative represents a further step in supporting and providing digital competences to all schools. It is an innovative and far-reaching project that will begin by involving Italian schools and then participate in the Milan Digital Week and the RomeCup.”


The project, which is part of the initiative that Olivetti dedicates to training and education, confirms the company’s constant commitment to provide accessible technological tools to professors, students and families, as well as to promote a strategic digital culture for the development of Italy.


In particular, the initiative will open – beginning today – a new dedicated Olivetti Area for Schools at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Phyrtual Innovation Gym in Rome (Via del Quadraro 102), where participants will be able to improve their digital and transversal competences through Robotics, Coding and Making Labs.


Over the next three months, 1500 professors and students will be involved in weekly courses to test e-learning platforms and immersive didactic courses on competences and professions of the future. Moreover, Olivetti’s Microninja Kit will also allow primary school children to learn about coding in a fun manner that will transform them into active protagonist of technology.


In March, an eight-hour coding marathon will involve teams of students, professors, makers and creatives, who will work together to develop processes and products for transversal, multi-disciplinary and custom-tailored “Didactics 4.0” activities. Then, at RomeCup 2019, the annual event dedicated to robotics and innovation that will be held in Rome on April 2-5, there will be an Olivetti Digital School Area with free labs and demos.


The many project activities will be supported by communications activities that will provide a face and a voice to the protagonists of digital transformation in Italian schools.

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