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In the Shade of the Beech Tree

In the Shade of the Beech Tree

In the Shade of the Beech Tree

The project by artist Mariagrazia Pontorno, one of the winner s of the Regione Lazio “Arte sui cammini” Call will be presented tomorrow in Rivodutri. The call selected seven contemporary art projects (out of 35 submissions) to promote spiritual footpaths along four regional itineraries Via Francigena nel nord, Via Francigena nel sud, Cammino di Francesco, Cammino di Benedetto). The artist will produce interactive sound installations, sculptures and street art that will interact with the natural and urban landscapes to promote their historical and spiritual values.


The project presented by Mariagrazia Pontorno is entitled “Le radici auree” (Golden Roots) and was curated by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The work will be positioned along the route that leads to the Beech Tree of Rivodutri, in the Province of Rieti, which has recently been included in the register of monumental trees and historical pilgrimage sites. Legend narrates that the beech tree was genetically modified to protect Saint Francis during a storm. The saint left a footprint in a nearby rock that is still venerated today. Mariagrazia Pontorno will place three bronze sculptures on this trail. The sculptures, which were developed with local students, are conceived as symbolic prostheses of the sacred tree’s roots and will also serve as resting points for pilgrims on the trail.


In addition to the artist, Fabio Refrigeri, Regione Lazio Councillor, Barbara Pelagotti, outgoing Mayor of Rivodutri and newly elected Mayor Michele Paniconi will participate in the presentation conference together with children from the Rivodutri Primary School, part of the Istituto comprensivo Antonio D’Angeli di Cantalice.



Rivodutri (Rieti), Friday, May 31 – 3:00 pm

City Hall, Piazza Municipio 9


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