Education is one of the central pillars of the Media Art Festival, not only in terms of artistic works developed in schools through labs with artists, but also on account of the number of young men and women who are involved in organising and setting up the exhibition. "The Great Convergence: Natural and Artificial Intelligence" starts tomorrow at the Rome Maxxi (May 17-19, 2018).
Visitors to the fourth edition of the festival will be welcomed by 40 students from the Vailati School in Genzano (coordinated by Prof. Maimone) and the Primo Levi School in Rome (coordinated by Prof. Cianfanelli) on a school-work programme. The students studied the works on exhibition and followed the preparation of the exhibition to discover about new professions in arts, such as art handlers, couriers, art advisors, etc.
Moreover, the organisational staff also includes ten young students attending a traineeship at the Accademia di Belle Arti, some of whom will also act as guides under the supervision of Chiara Passa. Traineeships have also been organised with Rufa, the event cultural partner, to develop concepts and decorations, as well as provide artistic production and “scientific guidance” to interactive works. The ten Rufa interns are coordinated by Francesca Gollo.
In this video produced by Cecilia Stajano, the Coordinator of the Digital Manufacturing Lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, Matteo Viscogliosi, maker and designer, explains how he designed the exhibition elements: small modules that fit together to produce complex shapes.
Daniela, a student at Rufa, describes her first experience setting up an exhibition.
Lo staff operativo della Fondazione Mondo Digitale che guida l'organizzazione dietro le quinte è composto da Cecilia Stajano, Valentina Gelsomini e Matteo Viscogliosi.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale operative staff directing the organisation backstage is composed by Cecilia Stajano, Valentina Gelsomini and Matteo Viscogliosi.
Educational investments for the Media Art Festival reflect the significative increase in education levels required buy cultural and creative professions. Between 2011 and 2016, in fact, graduates have increased from 33 to 41 percent – a value greater than that of the rest of the economy that has grown from 17 to 20 percent. This reveals how this sector, before all others, has identified greater competences as a solution to the economic crisis [Fondazione Symbola, Unioncamere, Io sono cultura 2017. L’Italia della qualità e della bellezza sfida la crisi].