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In Italy, on average, 19.3% of students drop out of school before ending their course of studies. In Europe, after Malta, Spain and Portugal, this is the fourth highest rate. And Sardinia reaches nearly 23%.
What are the most efficient strategies to fight this issue? The first degree secondary school Lao Silesu di Quartu Sant'Elena, in the Province of Cagliari, has decided to strengthen its actions with the Nonni SUD Internet digital literacy plan for the elderly.
As tutors, Headmaster Elisabetta Cossu has chosen students at risk, with the most problematic profiles. They will have to face the challenge of teaching the ABC of computers to the local elders.
The school in Quartu participated, together with the Circolo didattico Santa Caterina in Cagliari, in the training workshop on the inter-generational learning method, held on September 30th by Cecilia Stajano.
The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.
The Project in brief [pdf]