The interactive “La scienza illumina” Exhibition celebrating the European Year of Light 2015 hits the road. From tomorrow, it will be at the Naples Città della scienza until January 10, 2016.
The exhibition will be presented tomorrow – October 30 – to schools as part of the 13th edition of the Smart Education & Technology Days – 3 Days for School. The appointment is at the Teatro Galilei 104 at 11 am.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be represented by Prof. Celestico Rocco, former Headmaster of the Istituto comprensivo Generale Gonzaga and now a Knowledge Volunteer.
Brief Presentation of the Exhibition
Giovanni Organtini, Scientific Communication Delegate of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciencesat Rome’s Sapienza University
Vincenzo Nesi, Dean, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Sapienza University
Vittorio Silvestrini, President, Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza
Celestino Rocco, Knowledge Volunteer, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Le Nuvole
Caravaggio, the Art Revolution, a performance by Le Nuvole Teatro - Arte - Scienza
La Scienza Illumina – visit to the exhibition (see: showcased sections)