To celebrate the International Year of Light proclaimed by the United Nations, the Maker Faire Rome and Sapienza University in Rome have developed the “Science Illuminates” Exhibition to raise the awareness of youth and adults on light, its sustainability and energy savings.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on Friday, September 24, 2015 at the University Chapel at 7 pm. The initiative, organized by university professors, artists and Phyrtual Innovation Gym makers, is related to two great European events: the Maker Faire 2015 and the European Night of Research.
The “Litre of Light” non-profit will also be present at the inauguration ceremony to allow visitors to develop sustainable light bulbs that fill recycled bottles with solar energy and illuminate the darkest corners of the world
The exhibition, which is based on a scientific and artistic review of the concept of light to address major issues such as sustainability, development and innovation, is divided into three sections (geometric optics, physical optics and quantum mechanics) and will feature interactive installations and artistic performances.
A top-notch team, including professors, makers, artists and technology experts, has been working on the exhibition under the coordination of Professor Giovanni Organtini, representative for Scientific Communication of the Sapienza Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Physics.
The exhibition will be open from September 25 to October 21, 2015 with special tracks reserved for students and citizens of all ages, within the larger Maker Faire 2015, the European event dedicated to innovation and design that will be held at Sapienza University from October 16-18.
Francesco Bianchi, Vladimiro Ercolino and Carlo Coletta are a few of the makers who meet at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab where they have been using the digital manufacturing equipment to produce the showcases for the exhibition experiments and installations.
Science Illuminates
From Science to Art – The Many Facets of Light
September 25 – 7 pm
Sapienza University Chapel