On Monday’s Corriere della Sera, journalist Irene Consigliere reports on some of the transformations taking place on the job market thanks to wide-ranging initiatives such as Microsoft’s #DigitalRestart Programme [see news: #DigitalRestart Kicks Off].
[...] Information technology colossus Microsoft has just presented a plan to help 25 million people around the world to find employment thanks to their digital competences. In Italy, the project, which is implemented in partnership with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and in collaboration with the Rome City Council’s network of work orientation centres, is called #AmbizioneItalia #DigitalRestart and aims to reach 1.5 million people (students, professionals and unemployed) over the next three years. These are digital initiatives and tools that involve anyone interested in bringing their competences up to date. The plan calls for the use of free educational content for all of 2020 with access to Microsoft, LinkedIn and GitHub resources, matchmaking competences to work opportunities, reduced costs for Microsoft certifications and free access to advanced job search tools.
The Microsoft international project addressing 25 million people and the call by Groupama, Talent Garden and Soft Lab. The Valeria Solesin Award, jobs available in start-ups and the selection of experts and graduates by Adecco.
by Irene Consigiere
Corriere della sera, July 27, 2020
Read the article [in Italian, PDF]