Today, Milan hosts Future Fair, the final event of Project Future Recoded. The project, financed by Microsoft and Fondazione Cariplo and coordinated by the Fondazione Filarete, encourages students to apply their technological knowledge creatively to identify innovative solutions that can improve our way of living, working, playing and studying.
Project partners are: Fondazione Mondo Digitale, TechGarage, I3P, Polihub, Italiacamp and Talent Garden.
At Future Fair, ten teams of students, selected from around Italy, will compete, presenting innovative ideas that can improve our everyday life to a jury.
9.30 | Welcome and Registration
10.00 | Works open. Paola Andreozzi, CSR Manager, Microsoft
10.05 | Claudio Gandolfi, Deputy Rector for Knowledge Transfer, University of Milan
10.10 | Introduction, Paola Andreozzi. Chair, Francesco Mandelli
10.20 | First Pitch Session
- LaMiaAzienda – ITIS, Sala Consilina (Salerno)
- BYT Brush Your Teeth - ISIS Facchinetti, Castellanza (Varese)
- Lo Sporco APPosto - IISS Bonsignori, Brescia
- Trash Management Smart System - Liceo scientifico Lilla, Oria (Brindisi)
- Open Source Robotics - ISIS Fermi Mattei, Isernia
10.50 | Jury Evaluation
11.00 | Round Table: Where and How is Innovation Born?
- Federico Chiaravalli, co-founder, Musa
- Donato De Ieso, co-founder, InPolitiX
- Dario Gamba, Napsy Game, inventor, Mathdungeon
- Cristiano Soleti, Starwork
- Marco Ferrari, Vice President, Liceo Malpighi, Bologna
- Ilaria Rodella, Creator of Ludosofici and Organiser of Mantova Playground
“Technological Humanism” – a conversation with Marco Ferrari and Ilaria Rodella
11.40 | Second Pitch Session
- HomeTender - ITT Istituto “E. Balducci”, Pontassieve (Florence)
- Planetbook - IIS “G. Marconi”, Giugliano di Campania (Naples)
- DevLounge Tournament Platform - ITIS Panetti, Bari
- From Italian to L.I.S. - Liceo Salvemini, Bari
- Minecraft Reggio Art - Liceo Artistico “G. Chierici”, Reggio Emilia
12.10 | Jury Evaluation
12.20 | Robot Show
Robotics School from Isernia, Castellanza and Andrea Trifiletti from Padua.
Cecilia Laschi, Prof. Industrial Bio-Engineering at the Bio-Robotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa.
12.35 | Awards Ceremony and Conclusions
12.45 | Group Photos – Works End
Jury Members
- Giovanna Roversi, Microsoft
- Carlo Rinaldi, Microsoft
- Alfonso Molina, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Karen Nahum, De Agostini
- Goffredo Haus, Università degli Studi di Milano
- Carlo Mango, Fondazione Cariplo
- Maria Pia Abbracchio, Fondazione Filarete