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Schools and Companies

Schools and Companies

The Evaluation Commissin has selected the winners of the "National Award for Digital Innovation" promoted by Anitec-Assinform, the Confindustria Association for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the participation of companies, agencies and cultural associations. The project is part of the strategic “Digital Republic” initiative. Anitec-Assinform signed the manifesto in 2019. The awards ceremony will be held on November 18 at the Anitec-Assinform press conference on the digital market 2020-22.


The initiative rewards schools that, building on the strengths and commitment of teachers and students, in collaboration with leading ICT companies, developed innovative digital projects with a potential for enterprise. The four winning projects will receive €2500 each and a guided visit to either the Trieste or Genoa Area Science Park in the spring of 2021.


All the projects have been published on the site and will be promoted through initiative organized by the association.


The Evaluation Commission, headed by Francesco Profumo (President, Compagnia di San Paolo) and composed of:

  • Anna Brancaccio, Manager, Ministry of Education, General Directorate for School Systems and Evaluation of the National Educational System
  • Roberto Costantini, Director, Summer School & Luiss Hubs
  • Maria Rita Fiasco, Deputy President, Anitec-Assinform responsible for “Skills for Enterprise Growth”
  • Patrizia Fontana, Founder, Talents in Motion
  • Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale


Winning Projects

“Opportunity is Digital” Category

  • ITIS G. Armellini (Rome) – Project “The Gym of the Future – Recognition through Cloud Biometric Data”.  Partner ICT Company: Almaviva
  • Polo Tecnologico Manetti Porciatti (Grosseto) – Project “Smart Pruning” Partner ICT Company: Opus Automazione
  • ITT Ettore Molinari (Milan) – Project “Home Banking for Seniors”. Partner ICT Company: Grey Panthers


“Digital Challenge” Category

  • IISS Cipolla Pantaleo Gentile (Castelvetrano) – Project “Sapere Aude – Having the Courage to Use Your Head, Free from the Web.” Partner ICT Company: Comau, Globalcom


Special mentions:

  • ITT Alan Turing (Bergamo) – Project “Alan Turing Domotic House”. Partner ICT Company: Google
  • Istituto Odontotecnico Casati (Milan) – Project “Product for Dentists”. Partner ICT Company: 3Shape


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