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School of Individuals

School of Individuals

School of Individuals

The first day of the Global Junior Challenge featured the Jam Session with personalities from Italian culture addressing school as conceived by Tullio De Mauro. These are men and women who work in different sectors, but who have adopted the scholar and school expert’s philosophy in their work. This was followed by a common work session with the Lego Serious Play Methodology.


The “mixed” work tables brought together innovating teachers, administrators, parents and students from around Italy to design an ideal school with the LSP Methodology, based on the philosophy of the linguist and the suggestions that will emerge during the plenary session.


Here are some of the ideas from the common works session:


Lidia Cangemi, School Administrator, Liceo Kennedy in Rome



Melania, Student, Liceo Spallanzani in Tivoli



Claudio Marchesano, Professor, IIS Federico Caffè in Rome


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