On-line applications for school year 2020-21 begin today (Tuesday, January 7) at 8 am and will remain open until Friday, January 31, 2020. The application process interests ca. 1.5 million families and students. Starting from the second year, enrolment is automatically renewed by the schools.
Parents that still need to select a school can use the “Scuola in chiaro” Portal App that provides salient information on all schools: profiles, main data, subjects and self-evaluation reports, including their strengths and objectives for improvement. Applications can be submitted after registering on the dedicated portal: www.iscrizioni.istruzione.it.
Parents can turn to the portal, which includes guides and video tutorials, or contact the schools directly. The on-line application system provides e-mail notifications. Enrolment is mandatory for students in primary and both first and second-degree secondary school.
According to a survey conducted by Skuola.net in collaboration with Radio 24, nearly 50% of all students in their last year of first-degree secondary school are not clear about what school to choose. Fifty-two percent of interviewed students is worried about not finding a job after ending their studies, while 63% is thinking about studying or working abroad at the end of their studies. Notwithstanding the fact that an increasing number of schools are providing orientation services, attended by 9 out of 10 students (last year it was half this number, especially in Southern Italy), students and families are still disoriented [see article: E su Radio24 in onda «Speciale Scuola. Verso il futuro e oltre»].
Here is an interesting conversation from a few years ago on this issue between Tullio De Mauro (Torre Annunziata, 1932 - Rome, 2017) and FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina, which was produced for an as of yet unpublished work.