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School of Change

School of Change

School of Change

Amongst the schools participating in Project IoT Acceleration, there is the Istituto di istruzione superiore Enzo Ferrari created through the fusion of two historical Roman technical institutes: ITIS G. Vallauri and ITC G. da Verrazano.


The school participates with two classes that are closely followed by Computer Science Professor Maria Cristina Solenghi on behalf of Principal Ida Crea. In this interview with Eleonora Curatola, the professor explains why the school chose to participate in the project.



IoT Acceleration, promoted by the Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is a project-competition that aims to introduce new generations to the “connected society” and avoid phenomena such as educational, skill and digital mismatch.

Today, from 10 am to 1 pm, Coach Luca Frogheri will hold a new webinar.

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