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RomeCup Schools

RomeCup Schools



Students from IIS Galileo Ferraris di Scampia in Naples published a video on YouTube to describe their experience at RomeCup 2015.
A group of students - Galdiero, Pellegrini, Ronghi (4H), Guarino, Ventimiglia, Villa (4F) and Manfredi (4A) - coordinated by Professors Serpe and Turtoro, participated in the RomeCup 2015 by presenting an original and completely self-built prototype. Moreover, Professors Nasti and D'Acunto and various students (Cappella E. 5A, Di Girolamo F. 5A, Orefice A. 3B, Pepe V. 3B, Nunziata F. 3B) manned a stand where they presented the robotics work done at the school.






Elisa Amorelli’s interview at the RomeCup


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