"On the way back from RomeCup, the kids were sleeping in the car. They were very tired after this immersive experience and I start thinking about how these days are worth a month in the classroom. These events should be mandatory, not just decided by schools, teachers or volunteer parents! Our children attended university today and I’m sure they will never forget this experience! I would like to thank all the teachers and the school that organized this project.”
This is how Valentina, the mother of a student at IC Don Milani in Latina, describes the first visit of primary school children to the RomeCup. Linda Giannini, a teacher who is always at RomeCup with her students, sent us this story. In fact, this year, Linda closely followed the event and sent us this beautiful not written that we published on the official website of RomeCup. A special thank you goes to Linda, Valentina and to all the school’s young engineers!
Una maestra alla RomeCup
leggi il racconto
Grazie ai bambini i #Robot imparano a giocare e sorridere Il futuro visto da #RomeCup2017 @unitorvergata @fmdigitale https://t.co/EPtVOSk7I9
— Leonardo De Cosmo (@leodecosmo) 16 marzo 2017
I #robot + belli a #RomeCup2017 sono quelli di IC DonMilani di Latina! @fmdigitale pic.twitter.com/Au2rc0QKYX
— IngegneriaTorVergata (@ing_torvergata) 15 marzo 2017