The first humanoids that can operate under water, the performances of bionic athletes and sensitive limb prostheses are at the heart of the lectio magistralis that will be held by Oussama Khatib, Robert Riener and Nitish V. Thakor, three of the foremost global experts on robotics, who will open RomeCup 2018 – Robotics and Life Sciences in the Innovation Ecosystem (April 16-18, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University and Campidoglio).
Following the keynote speeches, there will be a round table on “Education and Work in the Automation Society.”
The 12th edition of RomeCup pursues the successful multi-event formula and introduces new formats such as creative contests for university and school-work programme students, interactive orientation talks and Mux, an original artistic research module on artificial intelligence and natural creativity.
The Rome Campus Bio-Medico University will host conferences, labs, and a showcase area with over 130 prototypes (developed by schools, too) and Robotics competitions, including the selection of the Italian teams that will participate in the Robocup Junior Competition in Canada. On the final day, the Rome Campidoglio will host the finals and awards ceremony.
Here is today’s programme:
Monday, April 16, 2018
Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
9.45 – 10.00 am | INAUGURATION
Aula Magna, Trapezio
Opening of RomeCup 2018 with RobotTIM exhibition
10.00 - 10.30 am| WELCOME
· Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome
· Felice Barela, President, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
· Raffaele Calabrò, Rector, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
· Alessio D’Amato, Regione Lazio Health Councillor
Moderator: Giorgio Pacifici, Scientific Journalist, Rai TG2
· Riccardo Delleani, CEO, Olivetti
· Massimo Inguscio, President, CNR
· Giuseppe Lucibello, Director General, INAIL
· Nicoletta Luppi, President and CEO, MSD Italia
· Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
· Filippo Tortoriello, President, Unindustria
· Michele Vinci, President, Masmec
Aula Magna, Trapezio
The Future of Bio-robotics: imitating nature for the progress of science and service automation technology for individuals.
· Oceanone: the first humanoid robot that can operate under water
Oussama Khatib, Director, Robotics Lab, Stanford University (USA)
· Cybathlon: the first international competition for disable athletes assisted by bio-robotic aids
Robert Riener, Director, Sensory-Motor System Lab, ETH, Zurich
· Neuro-prostheses: neural interfaces for new generation bio-robotic hands
Nitish V. Thakor, Director, SINAPSE Centre, National University of Singapore and John Hopkins University
12 am – 1 pm | ROUND TABLE
Aula Magna, Trapezio
Education and Work in the Automation Society
· Maria Chiara Carrozza, Professor of Industrial Bio-Engineering at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Don Gnocchi
· Eugenio Guglielmelli, Deputy Rector for Research, Rome Campus Bio-Medico University
· Sergio Iavicoli, Director MEILA Research Department, INAIL
· Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
· Rinaldo Sacchetti, Technical Director, Vigorso di Budrio Prostheses Centre
Club House, PRABB
A session to create a collective outlook of the digital and life sciences eco-system, promoted by Lazio Innova.
Stefano Fantacone, President, Lazio Innova
Moderator: Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
10.00 am - 5.00 pm | LABS
Activities for students and professors for all school types and levels.
10.00 am - 5.00 pm | SHOWCASE AREA
A section of the showcase area, organised by Lazio Innova, is dedicated to the bioscience industry with companies, SMEs, start-ups, spin-offs and research centres from the DigiLife Lazio Ecosystem.
10.00 am - 5.00 pm | PITCH DECK COMPETITION
Lecture Hall 17, Trapezio
In collaboration with the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University, Sapienza University of Rome and “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, three creative contests will be held for the application of robotic technology to agriculture, assistance and rehabilitation in collaboration between universities and students on school-work programmes. Set-up, prototype testing and pre-selection of the finalist teams.
3.00 – 5.00 pm | MUX CONTEST
Lecture Hall T8, Trapezio
Pitches by participants in the Mix User Experience Contest held in collaboration with the Rome “Palazzo delle Esposizioni“ and the “Human+. The Future of Our Species” Exhibition.
10.00 am - 5.00 pm | COMPETITIONS
Tensile Structure
RomeCup 2018
12th International City of Rome Robotics Trophy
· Soccer Secondary
· Rescue Primary & Secondary
· Dance (on stage) Primary & Secondary
· Explorer Senior & Junior
National Robocup Junior Selections
· Soccer Secondary
· Cospace Rescue