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RomeCup 2014


RomeCup 2014

RomeCup 2014


From March 19-21, Rome will host the eighth edition of “RomeCup– Excellence in Robotics in Rome”. RomeCup 2014 returns with its winning multi-event and multi-location formula that brings Robotics not only to the city centre, but also to its suburbs!
Competitions, laboratories, a showcase area, demonstrations, workshops and seminars will be held at the Rome Città Educativa, The Temple of Hadrian, the Ipsia Cattaneo School and the Campidoglio.
One hundred teams from schools in 13 Italian regions will compete in the trials. Three working groups will analyse issues concerning work and “hybrid” interlocutors, from schools to institutions. The new portal with the Innovative Multi-sectorial Orientation System is now on-line. Finally, the Città Educativa will inaugurate the first Phyrtual InnovationGym and the first Roman Fab Lab developed on the model of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. Videos and live streaming of the main events will be available on the Rai Educational video portals: and
Students who experiment with Educational Robotics acquire knowledge, develop skills and practice fundamental values that reduce the misalignment with the working world, especially that of soft skills that are required by tech companies, those that are most likely to invest in human resources. Indeed, a potential one million jobs could remain vacant due to this misalignment.
In the meantime, universities and research centres are working on robotic solutions that increasingly integrate the welfare system: from exoskeletons to domestic robots.
According to the International Federation Robotics (IFR), by 2016 we will have more than 15 million service robots for a value of over 5.6 billion dollars. Moreover, the demand for industrial robots is increasing sharply, too: in 2013 it hit its peak at ca.168,000 units, a 5% increase over 2012. These are the new jobs that are “created” by robots for our youth.
The Multi-Sectorial Network for Educational Robotics, which includes institutions, schools, companies, universities and research centres, will present the successful case of Robotics, a field that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale has been promoting since 2011, when the network agreement was first signed.
The eighth edition of RomeCup begins on March 19 at 9:30 at the Temple of Hadrian (Piazza di Pietra). Competitions, laboratories and demos (which will also be held at the Ipsia Cattaneo School) will kick off a series of debates centred on the right of youth to an equal opportunity job.
The first appointment, which is scheduled for Wednesday March 19 (11 am – 1 pm) at the Temple of Hadrian, is with the Local Coalition for Digital Jobs: a national robotics network meets the institutions. The portal will be introduced. This is the first multi-sectorial orientation system for companies, research centres, schools and universities.
On Thursday, March 20, the Temple of Hadrian will host the Job Cloud event (#robjobcloud on Twitter), allowing schools and companies (from start-ups to multi-nationals) to exchange information and reduce the mismatch between job demand and supply. This will be followed by a debate on “Schools, Professions, Companies and Institutions: an exchange to construct the future” with two working groups: one for the needs of schools and companies and one based on the answers provided by authorities.
At 7:30 pm, the appointment is at the Rome Città Educativa (Via del Quadraro 102) for the inauguration of the first Phyrtual Innovation Gym and the new Fab Lab. New job opportunities arise only where new ideas do.
On March 21, at 9.30 am, the RomeCup will move to the Campidoglio for the final competition phases and the awards ceremony.
The RomeCup is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the patronage of Inail, the support of Comau Robotics, Enea, Intel and Media Direct /Campus Store, and in collaboration with the Rome Città Educativa, Anp and DirScuola. Rai Edu and Focus are the event’s media partners. RomeCup also participates in the European Get Online Week 2014 and Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs campaigns.
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