The “Roma con le Scuole: percorsi didattici per una crescita in Comune” on-line catalogue presents all the projects and proposal for schools in Rome. Naturally, it also includes all the courses and labs available at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, conceived and developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Schools can decide to participate in any proposal until January 18, 2016.
The catalogue was developed by the Dipartimento Servizi Educativi e Scolastici, Politiche della Famiglia, dell’Infanzia e Giovanili, Promozione dello Sport e Qualità della vita to “integrate peculiar aspects of scholastic didactic activities, from kindergarten to second-degree secondary school.”
All of the projects are proposed by the city of Rome, municipal companies and associations to promote policies for the integration of schools with their local areas.
- The on-line catalogue: Roma con le Scuole: percorsi didattici per una crescita in Comune