1 min.
The “Sala della Protomoteca” is ready to host the final rounds and the awards ceremony for the 11th edition of RomeCup, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The winners of the Soccer, Cospace Rescue and On Stage categories will participate in the Japan World Robotics Championships.
Over three days of competitions, RomeCup featured 142 teams from 16 Italian regions and two European countries: Germany and the Netherlands. And a few of the teams were formed by students from different schools who trained at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Nine prizes will be awarded:
International City of Rome Robotics Trophy
- Rescue Primary
- Rescue Secondary
- Explorer Junior
- Explorer Senior
RoboCup 2017 National Selections
- Soccer Open League
- Soccer Light Weight
- Cospace Rescue
- On Stage Primary
- On Stage Secondary
RomeCup Press Kit
- Press Release
- Programme
- Competitions
- Showcase Area
- Laboratories
- Numbers
- Data
- Poster
- Video of the 10th edition