"We can now control our devices with computers and the implementation of a series of algorithms has led to the development of robots. However, they still are a mere assembly of plastics and metal, nothing similar to life. It is fundamental to maintain this distinction between true life and robotics. We must ensure that mankind continues to use inventions to assist humanity and not to undermine it.”
Here is the full text of the conversation from RomeCup 2018 - published on Formiche - between Alessandra Micelli con Oussama Khatib, one of the foremost global robotics experts and the Director of the Stanford Robotics Lab.
The Future of Robots? Human Intelligence. An Interview with Prof. Khatib (Stanford)
On the opening day of RomeCup 2018, Scientist Oussama Khatib participated in the International Conference on The Future of Bio-robotics: Imitating Nature for the Progress of Science and Automation Technology and held a lectio magistralis in the Aula Magna of the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University.
Submarine ecology, climactic changes or submerged ancient sites … The fascinating depths of the ocean are inaccessible to mankind and remotely controlled devices are not sufficiently advanced for the task. A robotic avatar can reach depths that no man could face, as far as 2000 metres under sea level, but also conserving – through immersive interfaces – human intelligence and intention.
Ocean One is a bimanual humanoid with an interface that connects it to its operators touch and vision. In 2016, it was the first robot avatar ever to tread the ocean floor and explore a sunken flagship belonging to Louis XIV.