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Robotics in Leipzig

Robotics in Leipzig

Robotics in Leipzig

The 21st edition of the Robotics World Championships will be held in Leipzig, Germany. The aim of the championships is to raise public awareness on the fundamental role of science and technology.


In 1993, a group of Japanese researchers conceived and developed RoboCup, a world football championship for humanoid robots. The ambitious objective is to organize, by 2050, a match between humanoid robots and the world champion football team.


Two Italian teams were selected at RomeCup to participate in this year’s RoboCup 2016, both in the soccer category: Team Mega Hertz (a collaboration between Elettra Robotics Labs and IIS Cobianchi from Verbania) in the Soccer Open League and Team SPQR 2 (IIS Galileo Galilei, Rome) in the Soccer Light Weight category. The teams of the Roman school have clinched the world championships for two consecutive years in Brazil (2014) and China (2015).


The competitions will be held from June 30 to July 3. We will follow the two teams and report on the young men and women in these two teams over the coming days.





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