"[...] students at the Istituto Galilei, a scholastic robotics pioneer in Rome, are once again the champions in their speciality, beating their adversaries 9-3 in the final.”
“It’s a great satisfaction, both for the team and I,” explains Mayar Badr, the female captain of Galilei Team SPQR1, accompanied by Professor Massimiliano Manfré. “Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the World Robotics Championships in Canada as I have exams then, but I will root for my team mates.”
“We can still not believe that in 58 days we will leave for Montreal,” admits Simone Vasta, Team “GoP Sto! Robotix del Cardano” from Monterotondo. “This was our third time and we have finally won [...].”
The experiences of the Roman schools that participated in RomeCup 2018 were collected by journalist Alessandro Di Liegro who wrote an article entitled "The Capital of Robot Football” that was published yesterday in the Rome Section of the Il Messaggero daily.
Two high schools in Rome qualified for the World Robotics Championships.
The Capital of Robot Football
by Alessandro Di Liegro
Il Messaggero, April 25, 2018
Read the article [in Italian, PDF]