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Robocup 2013 will be held on June 26-30 in Eindhoven, Holland. Over 2500 participants will compete in the various categories ranging from robocup home to soccer, rescue and dance. School and university students will participate in three days of qualification rounds, semifinals and finals.
School students will also participate in the Robocup Junior competition classic categories. Nine Italian teams are headed to Holland.
The national selections for Soccer and Cospace Theatre were held during RomeCup 2013 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome.
Soccer teams include:
• SoccerRossi , ITIS A.Rossi - Vicenza
• SPQR Gravis , ITIS Galilei – IIS Von Neumann - Rome
• Marconi New Football Team , IIS Marconi Galletti - Vicenza
• SPQR Levis , ITIS Galilei – IIS Von Neumann - Rome
Team Grease from ITIS Archimede in Catania will compete in the Dance Category, Cospace Section.
We will be providing updates and placings of our teams each day. Good luck to all the participating teams!