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Return of the Coding Girls

Return of the Coding Girls

Return of the Coding Girls

The pandemic has not stopped our desire to imagine a new future, one that is more inclusive and custom-tailored to women. Coding Girls, which is back with a seventh edition, is a programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to promote gender equality in sciences and technology and to incentivise young women on the job market. The initiative will involve 15,000 students in 24 Italian cities, raising their awareness on the importance of their contribution for the economic growth and stability of the country. Thanks to an alliance involving the United States Diplomatic Mission to Italy, the Embassy of the Netherlands, the Compagnia di San Paolo, Microsoft, ENI and a network of 32 academic partners, the Coding Girls will participate in school competitions, orientation sessions with university tutors and motivational meetings with role models.


The Return of the Coding Girls: the young women who programme the future

Dire Giovani, School News

(Oct. 23, 2020)




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