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Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ActionAid, Parole O_Stili and the Comunità di Sant'Egidio have developed the first phyrtual educational ecosystem, one that is both physical and virtual, and includes contacts, connections, relations and community. Project Social Hosting Hub, one of the winners of the Impact Challenge on Security, will be presented on January 28 at 4 pm. Minister Paola Pisano will be present at the live event.


Presentation of Project Social Hosting Hub

A high impact and densely inclusive integrated local and on-line educational platform without degrees of separation.

Live event, January 28, 2021 – 4:00-5:00 pm

Zoom Platform


Over 247 billion e-mails are sent every day. The Google search engine satisfies 3.5 billion queries a day, answering more than 40 questions a second. Every month, 43 million Italians access the Internet for a total of 59 hours a week per person. Over 100 million SIMs allows us to communicate through mobile devices. We are hyperconnected, but how close are we? Personal media profoundly modify our processes of identification and feelings of belonging. Censis, a study centre for social investment, points to our “biomediatic” nature. There is a growing degree of integration between media and life experience. This means that we require new reference values to organize interpersonal, community and collective relations, both at the local and global levels.


This challenge will be addressed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ActionAid, Parole O_Stili and Comunità di Sant'Egidio with Project Social Hosting Hub, one of the winners of the della Impact Challenge on Secuirty, a fund that helps organisations to contrast hate and extremism and help children to live safely both on- and off-line. These four organisations will develop the first phyrtual (physical and virtual) educational ecosystem made of connections, relations and community. The aim is to create a safe environment for everyone with concrete tools for each age group to find information, choose correct communicational and behavioural styles, learn in a transformative manner and develop new paradigms for living together based on common values.


The objectives, activities, methodologies and tools of Project Social Hosting Hub will be presented by the four partners at a live public event that will be hosted on Thursday, January 28 at 4 pm. The presentation will be moderated by Alma Grandin, RAI News Journalist (TG1). Following a welcome address by Rowan Barnett, Head of EMEA & APAC, speakers will include Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (lead partner), Katia Scannavini, Deputy Secretary General of ActionAid Italia, Stefano Orlando, Director of the Youth Section for Comunità di Sant’Egidio, and Rosy Russo, President and founder Parole O_Stili. The works will be concluded by Technological Innovation and Digitalisation Minister Paola Pisano.


The objective of the high impact and densely inclusive integrated local and on-line educational platform without degrees of separation is to involve 32,000 individuals, including students, teachers, parents, vulnerable youth and local communities in phyrtual activities, as well as reaching out to 250,000 individuals with digital tools and awareness-raising campaigns. The project, which will continue into the next school year, also entails the activation of 50 hubs in Italy, the development of original digital tools (apps, AR prototypes for fact-checking and AI devices for identify and quantify hostile language), a website ( with educational resources and a communications and marketing campaign. The project is part of the Manifesto per la Repubblica digitale.L'obiettivo della piattaforma educativa integrata, territoriale e online, è coinvolgere in attività firtuali, ad alto impatto e densità inclusiva, 32.000 persone, tra studenti, insegnanti, genitori, giovani vulnerabili e comunità locali, e raggiungere 250.000 destinatari con strumenti digitali e campagna di sensibilizzazione. Il progetto, che prosegue nel prossimo anno scolastico 2021-22,  prevede anche animazione di 50 hub sul territorio nazionale, sviluppo di strumenti digitali originali (app, prototipo di AR per fact checking o dispositivo di IA per misurare linguaggio ostile), sito web con risorse educative e campagna di comunicazione e marketing. Il progetto aderisce al Manifesto per la Repubblica digitale.

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